Garblog's Pages

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Plain Regulations Act of 2013 | We must be able to understand the rules affecting us!

I'd like to think most U.S. citizens (as well as citizens of other countries) would agree that government regulations should be written so people affected by them can understand them easily. How else can we respond effectively and legally to the regulations (or dispute them, for that matter)--without having to get a highly paid attorney involved?

If you agree, please check out this information provided by the Center for Plain Language. It describes proposed federal legislation in the United States.

Before listing actions you can take to support the legislation, the site provides this information:
Congressman Bruce Braley of Iowa introduced the Plain Regulations Act (HR 1557) on April 15, 2013. Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri introduced a companion bill in the Senate, S 807, on April 23. These bills would require that all new and substantially revised federal regulations be written in plain language. They will make it easier to understand regulations, which in turn will
  • Increase the effectiveness of Federal regulatory programs
  • Decrease the regulatory burden on the public
Help us inform Congress about the benefits that plain language regulations would bring to citizens and the government alike.
For more information:

The article on this proposed legislation is featured today, May 21, in my daily online paper, Garbl's Plain English Paragraphs, available at the Plain Language tab above and by free email subscription.

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